Monday, January 3, 2011


Feeling so broken lately.  I feel as if there is no end to this path most days and the new year is just that; another year.  When will I ever feel complete again?  How can I ever possibly feel complete with my children so far and Martin doing everything in his power to keep us apart?  This isn't fair, I know life isn't fair but this is cruel.  What am I supposed to possibly learn from this?  Was I such an awful person that I deserved this?  I tell myself every year this will be the year I will find the new me.  Well, it has been since 2008 and it is now 2011 and things are still a mess and I am still hurting.  Through my life I had a lot of heartache and this by far, is the worst.  Sometimes I see a light and then it's gone.  I pray that I will be at peace one day, but how can that ever be? 

1 comment:

  1. Gina,

    I can't tell you how or when it gets better, but it does.
    I feel your pain in regards to your children, and NO it's not fair.
    The one thing you can not do is continue to blame yourself or ask the "why" question.
    Accepting what is, no matter how painful and difficult it is, will be the biggest thing you can do for yourself.
    I went through a similar situation 8 years ago. I survived, thrived and, by the grace of God and coaching moved on.
    You can too.
    Life is a culmination of good and bad and you only have to hang on long enough to get to the next good. Be encouraged and be strong.
    In your faith, be comforted, it will get better.


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I'm a mom to three amazing children!!!


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"Crazy For You" is for the son I lost "Dance" I dedicate to my children

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